MD Cannabis Employees Qualified for Coronavirus Vaccine

Individuals employed by cannabis companies in Maryland will be receiving a similar status to healthcare workers for the coronavirus vaccine, reported Ganjapreneur. This was made possible with the help of the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC) which issued a directive regarding the matter.

The document stated that cannabis employees are covered in the 1A priority group which states that “licensed, registered and certified health care providers” are eligible for vaccine priority. The order encompasses various parts of the marijuana industry including cultivation, processing, testing, and retail. However, it is worth noting that active license holders with certification from the MMCC are eligible for priority status.

The MMCC’s directive is rooted in the essential service status given by the Maryland state government to the medical marijuana industry. As of writing, there are over 130 cannabis businesses in the state, noted Bizjournals. These companies are currently holding active registrations with the MMCC.

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Aside from cannabis workers, Governor Larry Hogan’s Office reported that other healthcare workers, long-term care facility staff, and first responders are among the first ones to receive effective vaccines.

Hogan said, “Our team at the Maryland Department of Health has worked hard over the past eight months preparing plans to procure, distribute, and administer COVID-19 vaccines when they become available.” He added, “This is, by far, the most massive undertaking of this pandemic. The cavalry is coming, a vaccine is on the way, but it is absolutely critical that we continue to fight this virus with everything we’ve got, and we need to keep doing all the things that we know will help to keep us safe.”

The state will allocate vaccines for 227 nursing homes and 1,668 assisted living facilities, which will be distributed through CVS and Walgreens. In December, Maryland was set to receive a total of 155,000 initial doses, the first of the two-dose vaccine from Moderna and Pfizer. Bizjournals said that the current phase covers around 500,000 employees with the addition of law enforcement officials, nursing home residents, and frontline judiciary staff.

Aside from the 1A tier, the state also has the 1B priority status to those in assisted living and other congregate settings, adults who are 75 years old and above, as well as education and government sectors. Those in tier 1C include adults ages 65 to 74, essential workers in lab services, agriculture, manufacturing, postal services, and others.

Priority 2 includes individuals ages 16 to 64 with increased risks of severe COVID-19 illness because of comorbidities, essential workers in critical utilities, transportation, and food services. Lastly, Priority 3 covers the general population from healthy individuals at ages 16 to 64.

Regarding the MMCC’s decision to include the marijuana sector, industry executives say that this move “makes sense.” SunMed Growers compliance manager Justin Garcia said that the company’s employees have started signing up for the vaccine with some set to receive their first doses soon.

Garcia added, “As a company, we feel excited and blessed to be part of the phase 1A rollout… We hope it will help people feel even safer coming to work everyday. I am ready to get the shot in the arm. Sign me up.”

A similar positive response has been observed at Mana Supply Co. Owner Christopher Jensen said that the directive further validates the marijuana industry as an essential healthcare service provider. Mana, which has two dispensaries with more than 13,000 patients, welcomes this move. Jensen said, “Our people are on the front lines, having interactions with people coming to get their medicines every day. I’m really relieved for my staff and our patients.”

Peninsula Wellness CEO Anthony Darby and Storehouse CEO Jeff Jacobson agree that this move can be a significant step toward returning to a sense of normalcy.

In light of the upcoming vaccinations in DC, advocacy group DC Marijuana Justice (DCMJ) is planning to give away free cannabis products at vaccination centers throughout the district. According to DCMJ co-founder Adam Eidlinger, “If you believe in the science that supports medical cannabis, you should believe the science that supports the efficacy of the vaccine.” He added that the plan seeks to encourage more people to get their vaccination.

This will not be the first time that DCMJ has given away free marijuana at an event. In 2017, the organization handed out marijuana in front of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development at the “Haunted by HUD” protest.

DCMJ gave away more than 10,000 pre-rolled joints at the event. However, Eidlinger noted that those products were hand-rolled and licked, which would be an issue in light of the pandemic. For vaccination centers, the group will be handing out individual bags while wearing masks and gloves, and practicing social distancing. They will also be giving out seeds of a strain called “Grasso’s Green,” which was named after DC Councilman David Grosso.

The Need for Priority in Maryland’s Medical Marijuana Sector

As mentioned above, executives in the marijuana industry are taking the MMCC’s decision positively as it can protect their staff and patients. The importance of 1A priority given to the sector is amplified by the fact that a surge in the number of medical cannabis patients and registrations in the state.

Kent County News reported that more patients have been relying on medical marijuana during the pandemic, increasing industry sales. Since its legalization for medicinal purposes in 2014, dispensaries have successfully sold their products. However, the pandemic showed a tremendous increase in retail sales and patient registrations across the state in addition to the 124,118 individuals already enrolled as medical marijuana patients.

Sunburst Pharm general manager Michael Dunaway noted that “A lot of people use cannabis to help fight depression and anxiety, and heaven knows 2020 and 2021 are filled with moments that create those feelings.” He further noted that cannabis “helps them through those times.”

With this increase in patients who are bound to become customers, the medical cannabis community does need protection from the virus, especially with the recent surge in cases. The revitalized demand in cannabis and participation in the cannabis community by more people highlighted the need for vaccines for staff and patients for future developments.

The vaccines can play a role in the return to normalcy for the sector and can provide protection not only when purchasing marijuana as an essential healthcare service, but also in the possible launching of weed events in the future.

Sunburst Pharm saw a “really steady increase in new patients” and noted that before the pandemic, only a few new customers visit their stores. While this development is generally seen as a positive one, it poses a challenge to different aspects of the industry including the regulatory body and the supply chain. According to Kent County News, the increase in demand has overwhelmed players in the supply chain, from cultivators, producers, testers, and retailers.

Moreover, the MMCC has also seen an increase in backlogs and delays, especially with the evaluation and approval of registrations. The distribution of cards has been affected, as well. In fact, new applicants immediately receive a message from the MMCC to inform them that the agency is receiving a “high volume” of application. Moreover, the message says, “The Commission is experiencing an influx of applications, emails, and calls, therefore your application will take longer to process.” Moreover, “The Commission will not be responding to emails with status inquiries.”

Dunaway told Kent County News that many patients are having a hard time with the MMCC’s application process. He added that getting cards take around six weeks and more today, while it was just around three to four weeks before.

The manager attributes this delay to the pandemic but noted that the Commission’s process has always been complex and bureaucratic. According to Dunaway, “COVID just compounded an already existing problem and made it more difficult to proves applications efficiently.”

Guidelines for Purchasing Cannabis Safely

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While vaccinated individuals may have protections against the virus, they still need to practice health and safety protocols until the community reaches herd community status. Some important things to remember when accessing marijuana in Maryland include:

·         Opting for contactless purchase methods such as weed delivery, contactless payments, and curbside pickups

·         Wearing protective gear when visiting dispensaries, the most common of which includes medical masks and face shields

·         Practicing social distancing when shopping in-store

·         Consistent and constant hand-washing or use of alcohol and sanitizers when touching exposed surfaces

·         Abiding by store protocols including social distancing, wearing of protective gear, refraining from using sniff jars, and giving space for staff to conduct periodic sanitation of exposed surfaces

With the help of these simple guidelines, patients can safely access medical marijuana products, whether they have been vaccinated or not. 

The Bottom Line

The priority given to medical cannabis staff will tremendously help these workers protect themselves and customers from the virus. The increase in demand for cannabis poses is reasons to anticipate strengthened participation in the cannabis community, which makes vaccination not only of staff but also customers all the more essential.