Elevate Your Senses With Gushers Strain: A Flavorful Journey

The Gushers strain has become increasingly popular because of its unique attributes, including a pronounced but manageable high that lasts for hours but does not render you incapacitated. Whether you use Gushers on your first experience or your 500th, it will likely become your favorite after just one experience.

Providing the user with a fruity and citrusy smell and taste, the Gushers Strain is a potent but smooth bud that will lower stress and anxiety, soothe sore muscles, and take your mind off the day's problems. In addition, the strain's side effects are minimal, so you can enjoy it without worrying.

The following is everything you need to know about the Gushers Strain, including where to purchase it in person or deliver it.

What Is the Gushers Strain - Introduction

We've prepared detailed information regarding the Gushers Strain including its profile, genetics, and characteristics.

Strain Profile

Check out some quick facts about the Gushers Strain.

Type 50% Sativa and 50% Indica
Lineage Gelato #41 and Triangle Kush
Breeder Cookies Farm Genetics
Flavors Candy, Citrus, Fruity
Aroma Lemony, slight diesel smell
Feelings Euphoria
Helps with Headaches, Stress, Chronic Pain
Side effects Dry mouth and eyes, headaches, dizziness
Cannabinoid THC level: 15%, CBD level: 1%, CBG level: 1%
Terpene Limonene

Genetics - Lineage, Type, and Content

Gushers Strain was likely named after the candy because of its candy-like and citrus-like taste and aroma. A fast-acting strain, it is ideal for those looking for help with chronic pain, depression, stress, and anxiety.

Fans of the strain appreciate its higher THC content, which Cookie Fam Genetics created. A hybrid of Gelato #41 and Triangle Kush with a 50-50 sativa-indica ratio, users can expect an almost euphoric state initially, followed by complete relaxation.

It is difficult not to notice the limonene terpene's influence on the aroma and taste. Still, users report hints of fruit, diesel, cookies, and miscellaneous herbs when igniting the strain.

In addition to the THC, the Gushers Strain has a minimal amount of CBD (less than 1%), but its CBG quotient is almost 1%.

Characteristics - Appearance, Flavor, Smell, and Taste

As a cannabis product, the Gushers Strain is popular because it is appealing from just about any perspective.


A predominant feature of the Gushers Strain is its bright green leaves. They blend well with the plant's olive-green nugs and amber hairs. Crystal trichomes are also very prevalent, which usually means the THC level is potent.

The buds are multi-colored, but the colors are muted, like much that has to do with Gushers Strain. Greens, olives, orange, red, cream, and black blend to create an almost speckled appearance.

Overall, the plant has an almost shimmering appearance because of its coloration and how that blends with the various greens and the crystal trichomes. An excellent way to describe the shimmering element is that it looks like a spider's web when wet with dew.


As an experience, the flavor of Gushers Strain is manageable. Slightly fruity and citrusy, the bud also has an undertone of sweetness that some describe as almost creamy. Additionally, most users will experience a concoction of herbal tastes, and a few will even taste a spicy element.


The smell of Gushers is noticeably citrus, specifically lemony. Other aromas accompanying the strain are a sweet fruitiness, the scent of diesel fuel, and, once again, a concoction of herbs.

Usage Effects, Benefits, and Side Effects

The aroma and taste are noticeable with the Gushers Strain, but the effect is why people use it. The first thing to consider is that it is a potent form of cannabis, which means if you are a newbie or occasional user, you will love it but tread lightly.

Users should expect a quick high that migrates to euphoria almost immediately. After that, the dominant feeling is one of relaxation. That means you will likely find a place to settle and stay, but the effect is not so strong that you end up locked in the same position for hours.

You can function even when under Gusher's full influence, and some users even feel aroused after it kicks in.

Medical and Therapeutic Benefits

If you are looking for a strain of cannabis to address chronic pain or alleviate stress, Gushers is one you should seriously consider. It is ideal for those suffering from arthritis, fibromyalgia, or any other form of constant, persistent pain.

Additionally, Gushers is truly a full-body relaxation experience. The strain is calming and will help you unwind your body and mind. For this reason, those with high-stress jobs may want to consider Gushers as their "go-to," or at least the flavor they use after a difficult day.

There are reports of Gushers helping with depression; some users even say the high is emotionally and mentally uplifting. If you suffer from depression, discuss any cannabis use with a medical professional.

Recreational Benefits

By far, the best recreational benefit of Gushers is "coherent relaxation." You will unwind and feel free from the strain, but you will not be so intoxicated that you cannot function. Therefore, gushers are ideal if you are looking for a calming hit right before a party.

However, the recreational element of Gushers is that you will feel relaxed when the high winds die down.

Side Effects

As with any drug, there can be side effects with Gushers Strain. First, the higher THC level can hit you hard if you are not a regular user. Physical side effects include a dry mouth and dry eyes. If you imbibe too much, you can also develop a headache and unsteadiness.

Another thing to watch out for is that if you are an anxious person, high-THC cannabis can often increase anxiety, at least in the short term.

How to Consume

The Gushers strain is available in edibles, concentrate, and as a flower; no matter how you use it, you will reap its benefits. Most people prefer the flower because they get to savor the taste and aroma.

Gushers are best used when you want to relax or have an event, such as a party, because you can still remain highly functional.

Grow Info - Flowering Time, Harvest Time, and Yields

The Gushers Strain grows indoors and outdoors and flowers in about 9 to 11 weeks, depending on where you live (if you grow outdoors). If you grow it indoors, use pretreated soil to give the plant extra nutrition. Plant in the mid-spring, after the threat of a frost has passed.

Indoor plants will average about 3 to 4 feet. Outdoor plants will grow as tall as 6 feet. You need room for expansion. You should grow your Gushers indoors if you live in an area with early or late frosts.

Additionally, while the strain will need water, overwatering it is a common problem.

Dry your Gushers Strain as you would any herb. The yield per plant varies but is comparable with other strains of cannabis.

How Gushers Strain Compares to Others - Similar and Alternative Strains

Because it is a hybrid of Gelato #41 and Triangle Kush, those tend to be the strains with which Gushers most closely align. Besides those two strains, any strain that offers the following will qualify as a worthy alternative:

  • Mellow but potent high

  • Effect of extreme relaxation after the initial high

  • Fruity and citrusy taste

If Gushers is not available, you do have specific options. The most similar strains, apart from the two that created Gushers, are along the lines of Gellato, Blue Dream, or Wedding Cake. All of those have a sweeter flavor, a cerebral high, and a potent THC level.

Cany-flavored strains will also work as an alternative. Strains like Girl Scout Cookies, Zkittlez, and Purple Punch meet that criterion. Sunset Sherbert and Forbidden Fruit are good choices if you are looking for a similar aroma.

If all you want is the THC kick, OG Kush is a great alternative to Gushers. However, green Crack and Tangle fit the bill for a more cerebral high.

Where to Buy, Pricing, and Review

Most stores will have Gushers Strain, even though it is a fairly new product.

The price you will pay for Gushers depends on where you buy it and whether you purchase it online or in stores. If you are interested in buying Gushers Strain, check out GHouse DC to see if they have the strain in stock.

Most customers love Gushers Strain for its smoothness, citrusy taste, and potent but mellow high. Additionally, many customers choose Gushers specifically because of its calming effect, particularly if they are stressed from work or home life.

Final Thoughts

Gushers strain is a great way to relax and ease the stress of the day away while not sacrificing alertness or cognizance. It has a fruity flavor and a fairly potent but mellow buzz, and its side effects are minor.

If you are looking to buy Gushers Strain, or any other popular strain of flower, edibles, or cartridges, check out GHouseDC delivery services today!

Also Read

From Seed to Smoke: The Story of Black Cherry Gelato Strain

Related Questions

Still, have questions? Check out a couple of common ones about the Gushers Strain below.

What is a Gushers hybrid?

Gushers mixes Triangle Kush and Gelato #41 for an Indica-dominant hybrid.

What is the Gushers Strain named after?

Most people agree it is named after the Gushers candy because of its fruity flavor and lemony aroma.