
Cannabis Events to Look Out for in 2021

The cannabis community has always been a colorful bunch. Just take a look at the marijuana consumers in the 60s and the 70s. The community remains to be thriving today, especially with the series of wins it has over the years. With different states legalizing the plant, more and more people have access to cannabis, while also stimulating the industry with different products, discoveries, and events.

Events, in particular, are some of the most refreshing aspects of the community. It offers a venue for people to showcase strains they cultivated, their business acumen, and the different research and breakthroughs regarding cannabis. It also provides a space to celebrate what the plant has to offer.

However, the current public health situation derailed even some of the biggest weed events across the country. Instead, they were rescheduled, even cancelled, to minimize risks of exposure. In the capital, Mayor Muriel Bowser implemented various orders to mitigate the spread of the virus, including stay-at-home orders, thus affecting cannabis events.

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As we enter the second year of the pandemic, the situation is changing with vaccine rollouts nationwide. More and more events are being scheduled not only in DC but also in other parts of the United States. People interested to join such affairs can start by knowing how the situation in DC looks. Read on to know more.

The Current Landscape in DC

The district is currently in its Phase Two of addressing the public health concern. As per Mayor’s Orders, a gathering limit is currently in place, along with a holiday pause on various activities. This year the Mayor issued another order extending the pause on the activities, which ended on January 22, 2021, and the clarification on the public emergency and public emergency duration, which was extended until March 17, 2021.

With the most recent order, more and more members of the cannabis community are starting to schedule events to gather in one way or another to celebrate cannabis. Various events are coming up in DC including Entering Cannabis: The Global Landscape to start on March 13, 2021 online. This virtual event seeks to explore the trends and developments being made in the industry.

The conference is open to almost everyone such as aspiring entrepreneurs, startup founders, small business owners, physicians and health professionals, enterprises, investors, professionals, and consumers. It will feature successful personalities, trailblazers, and experts in the industry. The good news is it is a series, which will tackle a different area in the industry every week.

For those with creative streaks, the Twerk Werks group launched id holding the Puff Glow and Paint Party, which gives attendees a chance to show off their artistic spirit. The event will be held on March 27, 2021, complete with all art materials and complimentary champagne. Attendees can also purchase food, drinks, and rolls in the venue, but they can also bring their own. The organizers will be enforcing protocols including capacity limits and masks.

Aside from DC, nearby states are also holding cannabis events. Another member of the DMV, Maryland, is seeing more and more of these events being scheduled. An example of this is the 2nd Annual 420 Edition Sip, Puff, and Paint by Its Bammtastic on April 17 to 18, 2021. It will feature art, music, and cannabis products.

Meanwhile, the 14th National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics will be held on May 20 to 22, 2021. Organized by Patients Out of Time, this event seeks to ignite discussions about the use of cannabis as a medicinal plant. It focuses on healthcare professionals and gives them the information they could use to use the potential of the plant for compassionate patient care.

Important Weed Events Scheduled this Year

As the DMV sees a revitalization of the cannabis community in terms of marijuana events, other states are also showing signs of rejuvenation. New Jersey has already launched a major cannabis event featuring NBA veteran Al Harrington through the NJ Cannabis Insider Live conference. You can bet that there are lots more to come this year. Here are some of the most significant events to look forward to in 2021:

·         Georgia World Cannabis Conference – March 27, 2021

Treehab’s event seeks to elevate the conversation surrounding cannabis through education. It wants to connect professional audiences to showcase the different industry-leading tech, solutions, and services existing in the industry. Some of its target viewers are those in the production line, hemp and CBD professionals, business leaders and founders, investors, scientists and researchers, newcomers, and international professionals.

·         People’s Choice: The High Times Hemp Cup – May 9, 2021

High Times is known to hold the Cannabis Cups, an event where cannabis cultivators submit products they developed to compete with one another. This time, the organization will be holding the 2021 Hemp Cup to encourage hemp cultivators to submit their products and see which one is the best across different categories. This competition is only for hemp-derived CBD and must contain under 0.3% THC.

·         People’s Choice: The High Times Cannabis Cup – June 20, 2021

Like the Hemp Cup, the 2021 Cannabis Cup will be held to see which cannabis-derived products are the best. This year, the organization opens its first-ever competition open to Michigan and Arizona residents. For the Hemp and Cannabis Cups, individuals are encouraged to join as a competitor or as a judge. They just need to submit their applications within the sign-up periods.

·         The Cannabis Conference 2021 - August 24 to 26, 2021

One of the biggest events in the US is the Cannabis Conference. Over the past years, it is considered a significant forum many people attend to learn more about marijuana discoveries, companies, innovations, and products. Attendees also take this conference as an opportunity to expand their network. This year, the conference features different exhibitors and speakers to educate the audience about new developments in the marijuana industry.

·         Midwest Cannabis Business Conference - September 22 – 23, 2021

Tackling the Midwest cannabis market, this conference will be addressing entrepreneurs in the area who want to enter the market. It seeks to share insights about the plant, the market, and the best practices that can help in entering and succeeding in this industry. This conference also targets existing business owners who want to succeed in the sector they have chosen to join.

·         Cannabis Business Summit & Expo - December 15 – 17, 2021

Lastly, the Annual Cannabis Business Summit & Expo will once again be held to gather entrepreneurs, experts, and thought leaders in one place. This event allows them to share their knowledge and experience in the industry providing attendees with the right tools for working in the industry. It will feature networking opportunities, over 400 exhibitors, and the brightest minds in the sector.

Some Things to Keep in Mind

When thinking of attending these events, you want to make sure that you can make the most out of the experience while observing protocols. The following reminders can help you do so and more:

·         Some Events Can Be Moved or Cancelled

The first thing you should remember is that these events may be scheduled for specific dates but they can change depending on the situation. In fact, there are events that have been cancelled or rescheduled in light of the current public health emergency such as the 14th National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics mentioned above, which was delayed from the original date to the current one.

While reschedules are more favorable as it implies that the event will still push through but at a later time, there are instances where the events will be cancelled altogether. This may come as a disappointment but keep in mind that the matter is about health and safety, as well as compliance with policies and protocols.

·         Observe System Requirements for Virtual Events

The most convenient and viable way to attend events right not is through virtual means. The pandemic compelled different industries to adapt to the situation and this means that a lot of things can now be done online. Virtual events were favored by organizers to minimize risks of exposure while still offering a satisfying learning experience.

Virtual events may need certain system specifications such as the capability to run the organizer’s preferred software, the capacity to stream videos seamlessly, and a stable Internet connection.

For events where products are showcased such as Cannabis Cups, participants should be ready to receive packages containing kits and samples.

·         For Physical Events, Observe Protocols

Most states implement a capacity restriction to implement social distancing. People are also required to wear masks and sanitize their hands regularly to minimize the risks of spreading or contracting the virus. These protocols are in place to help mitigate the situation. So, those who are attending in-person cannabis events should make sure to follow these policies for the protection of those around them, as well as their own.

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The Bottom Line

The cannabis community continues to thrive. With legalizations being considered by many states, as well as the strengthening industry, consumers and patients can expect a whole lot of developments this year

Wake and Bake: DC Scheduled Weed Delivery for First Timers

The advantages of scheduled weed delivery in DC are almost endless, helping people stay at home and get marijuana supplies easily. At the time of the pandemic, it is important to restrict the trips outside, and simply get delivery services and receive goods at the doorstep.

No need to go out and drop by a dispensary to get weed supply, line up for half an hour, and drive back home. Schedule delivery services provide a hassle-free service of getting a stash of marijuana on a given time and date.

For first-time buyers in DC, learning about the laws and regulations on weed delivery is crucial to get marijuana and CBD products. In this article, we are going to dive deeper into the weed delivery services in DC, and why schedule deliveries are on the rise.

Wake and Bake - DC Scheduled Weed Delivery

DC Recreational Marijuana

The recreational marijuana laws in DC are quite confusing for newbies who come from states like California or Colorado. For one, buying directly at dispensaries isn’t allowed, and the only way to get marijuana is through trading, gifting, and freebies.

The DC legislature leaves a grey area on purchasing recreational marijuana, preventing ramping up of supplies, and limiting people’s purchasing power. By understanding the laws, consumers won’t get in trouble and enjoy recreational weed more.

When the Initiative 71 took full effect in 2015, DC residents are allowed to consume recreational marijuana at home, cultivate up to six plants, and carry less than 2 ounces of weed in public for personal use. Individuals under the age of 21 aren’t allowed to smoke or consume any marijuana products, as it’s against the law.

Basically, the state authorities are limiting the consumption of marijuana, banning public smoking and driving under the influence of the drug. Since 2015, residents are only allowed to trade items for weed, donate and receive marijuana as a gift, and get cannabis as a freebie from buying other products like clothing and smoking accessories.

These are better compared to not getting weed at all, in comparison to other states like Wisconsin and Wyoming. By observing the laws in place, residents can consume weed in their private property, plant, but not sell to other people.

In addition, no single person should smoke weed in public places like parking lots, parks, restaurants, malls, and fitness centers. Anyone found doing this illegal activity is subject to a maximum penalty of $1,000 or jail time up to 60 days. The reason behind this is, the DC Department of Health is trying to reduce the exposure of secondhand smoke, which can affect other people.

Scheduled Marijuana Orders

As mentioned, customers cannot buy weed directly from any other dispensaries in the state. The only way to get the supply is by buying a different product and gets the weed as a freebie. Hence, the schedule marijuana delivery is meant for buying another product, then a small pack of weed is provided to customers.

Different dispensaries have distinct rules on scheduled delivery services, and most of the time, couriers set a cut-off daily to avoid late-night delivery. The schedule delivery option is for people who want to place advance orders or deliver the item the following day.

For instance, if a customer is low on a marijuana supply, he or she can place an order online for a scheduled delivery of his or her choice. The customer can choose for the desired time and date of delivery, suited to his or her schedule. Given this setup, a customer can easily receive the order and pay the item without a hassle.

There are also some online delivery services like Ghouse, which arrange private meetups with a minimum order size of $75 for the accessories and other items. The private meetup could be anywhere near The National Cathedral on Wisconsin Avenue. Other weed delivery providers only support door-to-door delivery for a single purchase.

One thing that makes scheduled marijuana delivery better than regular delivery is, customers can expect the package on time, with real-time tracking, and order confirmation. Additionally, customers can select the preferred date and time to expect the order and receive it personally.

Choosing Delivery Services in DC

The weed delivery services in DC are saturated, and first-time buyers can easily fall victim to poor customer service and poor quality marijuana freebie. To get away with these things, it is important to choose the best weed delivery in DC and get excellent service.

Some of the things to consider are customers’ reviews, availability of products, and proximity of the dispensary.

For safety, customers need to know if the marijuana freebie is high quality, and doesn’t provide physical effects such as vomiting, nausea, and dehydration. The risks are higher with poor quality weed, those who are passed the shelf life. Usually, well-cured marijuana can stay up to six months to a year, depending on the quality. Ensure that supplies are always fresh, and the supplier is reliable.

Another way to check the quality of marijuana freebie offered by dispensaries is by checking customers’ reviews. If most customers can vouch for the quality of the items and the free weed, then consider buying from the service provider or supplier. Check other online forums too, and see whether the brand has consistently good reviews from buyers.

The availability of the products matters too, as some strains aren’t common. Consult the dispensary and ask if you can choose the freebies you want. If looking for specific marijuana strain or product, contact the service providers first before placing an order.

Finally, the proximity of the dispensary matters when getting scheduled weed delivery. Some areas are not serviceable, and dispensaries require an additional charge to deliver the items and freebies. Find out if your area is covered by the delivery service, and if not, consider finding another marijuana dispensary within your location.

Because quarantine procedures are stricter in some areas, many people would accept additional charges for weed delivery. After all, this is safe than going out of the house to get the marijuana supply.

Best Weed Delivery in DC

Despite the threat of the coronavirus, DC allowed emergency marijuana orders in the state. Curbside pickup and door-to-door deliveries are only available for individuals with a medical marijuana card, as authorities limit the number of people going out of their homes. Recreational marijuana isn’t allowed, and residents simply need to rely on cultivating the plant to get weed supply.

This initial order was announced by Mayor Muriel Bowser on April 14, and expires on August 12, or once the public health emergency order is lifted. However, mid-May, Bowser already lifted the stay-at-home order, which means non-essential retails can open for curbside pickup.

Scheduled marijuana delivery services are the thing these days, to avoid going out. Here are some of the best-scheduled weed delivery services in DC.

  • Ghouse

One of the best weed delivery services in DC is Ghouse, offering high-quality marijuana for a minimum order of $75. The brand offers curbside pickup and private meetup, within a 3-mile radius of Winconsin Avenue.

Choose from sativa, hybrid, and Indica, as freebies from buying stickers, baseball cards, lighter, bags, shirts, edibles, and cartridges. The most affordable item to buy is a sticker, which costs $35, and customers can get a free eight of weed. For a full ounce, purchase either a bag or shirt, which costs $200.

Call Ghouse at (202)-845-9928 to place an order and schedule a private meet-up. All items are subject to availability.

  • Jungle Girls Delivery

Want to buy art with weed as a freebie? Check out Jungle Girls Delivery for weed inspired artworks for sale. The brand offers rush delivery within DC, with pickup schedules 10:30 AM, 12noon, 2 PM, 4 PM, and 6 PM. All pickups are by appointment or schedule due to the pandemic.

Some of the products available to purchase are smoke essentials, flower-inspired art, digital art for download, edibles, concentrates, and munchies or snacks. The minimum order size is $40, which is totally affordable. Jungle Girls Delivery also sells infused snacks like cookies, chocolate bars, cannabis capsules, and brownies.

  • Better Bud Bureau

Get your hands on some of the organic, pesticide-free marijuana products and merch from Better Bud Bureau. From stickers, logos, sanitizer, and edibles, customers can choose from a wide array of freebies. There are CBD and THC products to get, from mist, brownies, microdose cubes, and sour gummies.

All delivery services are limited and by appointment or schedule only. Contact Better Bud Bureau at (202)-891-1547 to place orders and schedule a delivery.

DC Scheduled Weed Delivery


Buying recreational marijuana in DC is easy, even at the time of the pandemic. Many retail establishments offer by appointment or schedule delivery to attend to customers’ orders and requests. Individuals who possess a medical marijuana card can easily buy marijuana products, from THC, CBD-infused products, and marijuana strains.

Contact the weed delivery providers today to place orders and get your weed supply.